Bran made a poop in the toilet today! YAY! We are all very excited about excited that we lost our minds and went to WalMart on a Saturday afternoon...we had to though, we promised him a Batman and Joker toy if he would take care of his "business" on the potty! Bran, we are so excited for you...keep up the good work!!
Don't mind all of the toilet paper all over the place...I guess that's what 3 yrs do when they are on the potty!
So here is the full story...We've been trying to get Bran to go potty for a long time. About 2 weeks ago we bought him an Elmo potty video and did a whole Family Home Evening about going potty in the toilet. And, nothing happened! Well today, I noticed him trying to do his "business" and I rushed him to the toilet and told him to stay there until he was done. About 30 minutes later I heard "Mom, I put a poop in the toilet." I ran to the bathroom to see if it was true, and sure enough it was! Bran said it was fun and not scary to put his poo in the toilet (that's been his excuse, that the toilet is scary), so we hope this is the start of many more trips to the bathroom.
Happy BIRTHDAY! Happy Weight Watchers! Happy Trey crawling! And Happy Bran Pooping! Good luck to the last three, and we hope you really did have a fun birthday weekend, since you are lucky enough to have it last for more than one day. I guess I wear out the "it's my birthday" excuse cause Nate only lets me use it on the actual day.
ok, I'm a dork - what did I think first when I saw your pics, CUTE BATHROOM! I want to come see your house sometime soon. Congrats on everything! I am waiting for the day Sophia poops in the potty ;)
- Tiff
Yeah for poop in the potty! Good job Bran!!!
Good luck with WW.I started once again last Monday. I didn't hit the meeting or a weigh in, but I did keep track all week and I lost 3.5 lbs. You and I will be hot shit in California in January!!!
I can't wait to see Trey Bug crawling. For real, our babies are getting so big. It makes me sad.
I hope all is well in Spanish Fork.
Peace out!!!!
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