Saturday, August 23, 2008

My 32nd Birthday!

I have so much to blog sorry about all the posts today.

My birthday was on Sunday, Aug. 17 and I had such a fun birthday started on Friday and didn't end until yesterday)! I love my birthday, probably because I'm so good at extending it for several days and I have a husband who lets me!
Here's a list of some of my birthday celebrations:
1. The Friday before my birthday, Julie and Kim took me out to dinner at Chili's and then to the movies. We saw Mamma Mia...Great "girls night out" movie!
2. On Sat., Brandon and I got a baby sitter (we're getting pretty good at the baby sitter thing) and we went shopping, to dinner, and then to this great improv comedy club in Provo, called ComedySportz. It was so fun and the comedians were hilarious it is definitely something we will do again.
3. On my actual b-day, I woke up to Bran singing me Happy Birthday. Bran was so cute before my birthday I asked him what he was going to get me, and he said " two cute girl outfits." What a sweet boy I have.
4. Monday, Kate hung out with me all day and took me to dinner at Chili's (You are welcome Chili's for me having a see Ashley introduced me to these wonderfully yummy mini burgers at Chili's, so I was kind-of on Chili's kick).
5. On Thurday, I got to join weight watchers...yes, I consider that part of my b-day celebrations!
6. Friday, My in-laws took me to dinner at Applebee's (they have a weight watchers menu).

So you see, I had quite the birthday week, I'm kind of sad it is all over, but I guess all good things have to end. Until next year birthday...I will miss you!!!

Oh here is a picture of one of my fav. b-day gifts. I found this kiosk in the University Mall that has tons of really cool jewelry, however, I couldn't justify buying any....until my birthday. Thanks Brandon, I love it, you picked the perfect one for me. ( I couldn't decide on which pendant to get, so Brandon picked this one out for me).