Sunday, July 19, 2009

I'm playing catch up!

Lots of fun and exciting things have happened over the past few weeks, but I've been a slacker and have not blogged about them. So, now I am playing catch up!
First, here is an update on the Trey/crib situation...he is now in a toddler bed in Bran's room. In order to get both him and Bran to bed we have to shut the door with a child proof door knob on the inside...that may sound cruel, but it is the only thing that works.

The most exciting thing that has happened lately is BRAN TURNED 4!!!

You are becoming such a big boy!
I also want to add that Bran is OFFICIALLY potty trained and we are so proud of him.

Bran was way excited on his birthday. He got tons of presents from us and from his grandparents. He spent the day playing and swimming in our little pool and then got to go to Chuck E Cheeses with Grandma and Grandpa Buttars. It was a way fun day.

Bran and Trey both were super duper excited for Bran's bug cake. In fact, Trey somehow got it off the counter and brought it into the office, how he managed to do that and keep the cake in one piece is beyond me! Trey also couldn't keep his little fingers out of the cake, as soon as, I opened it to put candles on it he got a handful of frosting! Sometimes, I think that kid is uncontrollable!!!

On Bran's birthday he also got to be in a Children's Parade here in Spanish Fork. Our primary did a float about Lehi's dream and holding to the iron rod. You can kind of see Bran in the pic. He is the one holding on to the rod...I guess he was holding on for dear life, he would not let go! It was pretty funny.

Here is our little Nephite!

When I get the chance I like to dress Bran and Trey in the same here they are as twins!

Happy 4th of JULY!

The cousins waiting for their own personal firework show.

This freaked me out a little bit...seriously, who gives a 3 yr. old a sparkler!?!

Our yearly trip to the ZOO!

My little studs!

Finally...GIRLS CAMP!
We got to go to the Heber Valley Camp this year. It was beautiful. It was actually designed and invisioned by Pres. Hinckley. We stayed in cabins and my cabin had carpet and a skylight. Our meals were basically catered, we only had to roast hotdogs once and that was for certification reasons! Brandon says it sounds more like a retreat instead of camping, and as much as I would like to disagree with him, he is right on that one! I will say, this camp didn't go with out it's challenges, but the over all experience was amazing and I would do it again.

This lake was dug after Pres. Hinckley toured the camp and said, "Everything looks great, but where's the swimming pool?" I seriously love that man!

Me, Sis. Bean, and Sis. Davies

"My Girls"

Okay, I think this brings me up to date...I'll try not to be such a slacker in the future, but I'm not making any promises!

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Trey the Escape Artist

Trey has officially become an escape artist. Check out Houdini in action.