Saturday, August 23, 2008

Poop in the Toilet!

Bran made a poop in the toilet today! YAY! We are all very excited about excited that we lost our minds and went to WalMart on a Saturday afternoon...we had to though, we promised him a Batman and Joker toy if he would take care of his "business" on the potty! Bran, we are so excited for you...keep up the good work!!Don't mind all of the toilet paper all over the place...I guess that's what 3 yrs do when they are on the potty!
Here's Bran with his prized possessions!

So here is the full story...We've been trying to get Bran to go potty for a long time. About 2 weeks ago we bought him an Elmo potty video and did a whole Family Home Evening about going potty in the toilet. And, nothing happened! Well today, I noticed him trying to do his "business" and I rushed him to the toilet and told him to stay there until he was done. About 30 minutes later I heard "Mom, I put a poop in the toilet." I ran to the bathroom to see if it was true, and sure enough it was! Bran said it was fun and not scary to put his poo in the toilet (that's been his excuse, that the toilet is scary), so we hope this is the start of many more trips to the bathroom.

I'm a Weight Watcher!

You can say good bye to this body...I won't have so much body for long! I joined Weight Watchers, and I'm so excited to get skinny. It has taken me a while to get motivated since I had Trey in January (lets be honest...since I had Bran in 2005)! But I'm ready, so ready in fact, that I'm going to post my weekly progress on my blog. I feel a bit crazy doing that, but I need all the support and encouragement I can get. So if any of you have any tips or recipes for weight loss, please share.

My Crawling Bug

Way to go Trey Bug!
On Treys 7 month mark he decided he was big enough to start crawling! I will try not to be offended but he was crawling straight for his Daddy. He is such a Daddy's boy.
Trey now is trying to climb up everything so he can stand....I swear he is going to be walking before we know it.

Here he is standing in his crib.
Trey and Daddy....doesn't Trey look like a little boy, not a baby anymore.

My 32nd Birthday!

I have so much to blog sorry about all the posts today.

My birthday was on Sunday, Aug. 17 and I had such a fun birthday started on Friday and didn't end until yesterday)! I love my birthday, probably because I'm so good at extending it for several days and I have a husband who lets me!
Here's a list of some of my birthday celebrations:
1. The Friday before my birthday, Julie and Kim took me out to dinner at Chili's and then to the movies. We saw Mamma Mia...Great "girls night out" movie!
2. On Sat., Brandon and I got a baby sitter (we're getting pretty good at the baby sitter thing) and we went shopping, to dinner, and then to this great improv comedy club in Provo, called ComedySportz. It was so fun and the comedians were hilarious it is definitely something we will do again.
3. On my actual b-day, I woke up to Bran singing me Happy Birthday. Bran was so cute before my birthday I asked him what he was going to get me, and he said " two cute girl outfits." What a sweet boy I have.
4. Monday, Kate hung out with me all day and took me to dinner at Chili's (You are welcome Chili's for me having a see Ashley introduced me to these wonderfully yummy mini burgers at Chili's, so I was kind-of on Chili's kick).
5. On Thurday, I got to join weight watchers...yes, I consider that part of my b-day celebrations!
6. Friday, My in-laws took me to dinner at Applebee's (they have a weight watchers menu).

So you see, I had quite the birthday week, I'm kind of sad it is all over, but I guess all good things have to end. Until next year birthday...I will miss you!!!

Oh here is a picture of one of my fav. b-day gifts. I found this kiosk in the University Mall that has tons of really cool jewelry, however, I couldn't justify buying any....until my birthday. Thanks Brandon, I love it, you picked the perfect one for me. ( I couldn't decide on which pendant to get, so Brandon picked this one out for me).

Monday, August 11, 2008

Trey's 6 Month Milestones

Trey Bug, you are growing up too fast!
Here you are 6 months old and look at you, so handsome and already getting independent!

I love that smile!
You can now sit up all by yourself and play with your toys.
You can feed yourself your bottle...this makes Daddy a little sad, he says he feels less needed. I say, I still have to get up and make you the bottle, so I still feel very much needed!
And, you are ALMOST crawling. You get into position, and then cry and fall to the ground...maybe next month, bud.


Bran has really been getting into SuperHeros lately, mainly Batman and Spiderman. So naturally he likes to pretend he is a superhero. Here are some pictures of his SUPERHERONESS!

SuperBran to the rescue! After trying on many differ capes, this is his cape of preference.

Ooohhh, look at those muscles!
This is his silly face. As a superhero (and just as a normal 3 year old) goes between making silly faces and growling at you.
And you know how superheros have to keep themselves lookin' is Bran giving himself a manicure. I now have to tell him I will only paint one of his fingernails, if he had his choice I would paint them all and paint them pink! He told me today his favor nail color was pink! Real men still wear pink, right?!

Sunday, August 03, 2008

One CRAZY FUN week!

We haven't had a week as CRAZY BUSY as this week was in a long time. Nor, have I had a week as FUN as this week was in a long time either.
Monday - My visiting teaching companion, Janeece, and I (and our kids) went visiting teaching to 3 of our ladies...we had good visits and I really enjoyed getting to know some of the women in our ward a little better. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I've been in our ward for a little over a year and this is my first time going visiting teaching. I've never actually been a fan it before, but now that I'm a stay home mom I think I will really enjoy visiting teaching a lot more.
Tuesday -Hum, was there a Tuesday this week, I can't remember! Oh yeah, Brandon and I had a fight because he went to Arby's and didn't get any Arby's Sauce! Note to anyone reading this...DO NOT ever go to Arby's for me and not bring me any Arby's Sauce!!!
Wednesday - The Godfrey clan came to visit us and stay the night. Cody had some work meetings in Provo and Brandon was at work so that left me and Ashley with 5 kids! And for some crazy reason we decided to take them to lunch at Chili's and then do some shopping. Lucky for me and Ashley (and probably the safety of Brexton and Bran) Brandon got off work a little early and met us at IKEA. After that we picked up Cody and headed back to our house to hang out and go to bed...Sorry guys our house was soooo HOT...Their whole family ended up sleeping in our living room on our futon mattress because our guest bedroom was too hot.
Thursday - Brandon and Cody had to go to work, once again leaving their crazy wives with the kids. We decided after breakfast to let the kids play outside (we really do try to be good moms and let our kids have fun!) and they did have a good time playing on the playground, sandbox, and in the pool. After play time we got everyone ready and decided to do more shopping with the promise if the kids were good we would take them to Jumping Jacks ... needless to say, we didn't make it to Jumping Jacks...maybe next time kids! After Cody got done with work on Thursday, they headed back up to Logan. Thanks for coming and staying with us, I really did have fun and you are more than welcome to come again anytime....we'll put the A/C in that back room for you.
Brexton, Payzli & our little 7 Peaks!
This why you should use a swim diaper! Nice bum, Bran...I think that diaper weighs more than you!

Hey, some one let us out of here! Trey & guys are too cute.
Good thing you have a mini van, Ashley!

Friday - I had lunch with Janeece and then we had her kids come over and play while her and her husband went on a date. It's nice to have friends to trade babysitting with, especially since we live so far from family.
Saturday - I had so much fun hanging out with my friends Julie and Kate (who now lives in Australia). We always have so much fun when we get together and can catch up on each others lives and reminisce about the good ole days! We used to all be roommates and live in Salt Lake together. And actually, Kate was my first friend when I moved out here to go to USU...She's orginally from New York and me being from Ohio we just clicked right away. Anyway, we got together and made Kate's famous peanut butter balls....HEAVEN!!! They are sooooo YUMMY! I was sad to cut our day short, but I was excited to rush home and have a date with my hubby. Janeece watched our kids while we went and saw Dark Knight. Brandon picked the movie and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. It was a great movie, I'm not surprised it is breaking records like crazy.

Me, Kate and Julie
Kate's yummy peanut butter balls...sorry we made them square and big, K8...we were just trying to help so we could eat them faster! Seriously, these are to die for.
Nothing like good friends....I love you, guys.

Sunday - The first sunday of the month is always busy with meetings. Today I had meetings before and after church for Young Womens and Brandon had meetings after church too. It is so nice to be home and have time to relax. Now we just need to get Bran down for a nap!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Best Things In Life

I thought I would write a blog post for a change. This is more or less going to be a list of things that I love and some of the best things in life.


  1. Peggy
  2. Branson
  3. Trey

  1. Peggy
  2. Branson
  3. Trey

  1. Peggy
  2. Branson
  3. Trey

  1. Peggy
  2. Branson
  3. Trey
  1. Peggy
  2. Branson (I think)
  3. Trey
  1. Peggy Buttars
  2. Peggy Buttars
  3. Peggy Buttars
  4. Peggy Buttars
  5. Peggy Buttars
  6. Peggy Buttars
  7. Peggy Buttars
  8. Peggy Buttars
  9. Peggy Buttars
  10. Kate Beckinsale
I would just like to thank my wife for all the great things she does and all the many things she does for me and our family. She's great mom and wife. I know she sacrifices a lot to be a stay at home mother besides her sanity and her figure. She's smarter than me, better looking than me, a better parent than me, and a lot more spiritual than me. I'm blessed because of that.

Well I better go. Branson wants to play Kung Fu Panda.