Saturday, August 23, 2008

I'm a Weight Watcher!

You can say good bye to this body...I won't have so much body for long! I joined Weight Watchers, and I'm so excited to get skinny. It has taken me a while to get motivated since I had Trey in January (lets be honest...since I had Bran in 2005)! But I'm ready, so ready in fact, that I'm going to post my weekly progress on my blog. I feel a bit crazy doing that, but I need all the support and encouragement I can get. So if any of you have any tips or recipes for weight loss, please share.


Julie said...

Good Job Peggy sue!! I am very proud of you, and look forward to hearing about your progress (and trials).
But does this mean No more Chillis, and no bake cookies?? and fritos and chilli? and peanut butter balls??
I don't know if we can be friends :)
JK...Go get em' Pegster!!