Sunday, February 17, 2008

Tagged by Ashley

What is your husbands full name? Brandon Darrell Buttars

How long have you guys been together? 5 years

How old is he? 28

Who eats more? Me...he forgets to eat....who forgets to eat!

Who said I love you first? Brandon....he spelled it on my back.

Who is taller? Brandon

Who is smarter? Well....I'm the one with the college degree...but I would say Brandon is smarter. He is a nerd, who likes to teach himself things.

Who does the laundry? Me...I don't trust him to do the laundry.

Who does the dishes? Me again....I don't trust him to do them....and when he does do them, I usually have to redo them!

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Well since we sleep together now (I couldn't sleep with him when I was pregnant) Brandon does.

Who pays the bills? Me....Brandon doesn't even know how to balance a check book.

Who mows the lawn? Brandon....with the help of BranBran!

Who cooks dinner? I would say Brandon cooks dinner more than I do....but I would also say McDonalds and Little Ceasars cooks dinner for us the most!

Who drives when you're together? Usually Brandon, but I drive every once in awhile.

Who is more stubborn? questions about that one.

Who kissed who first? Brandon kissed me...I talked through the whole kiss....I was so nervous!

Who asked who out first? Brandon did....and after the third time he asked me out, I actually went out with him!

Who proposed? Brandon did...he e-mailed me the date and time to meet him at the temple! And then a week later I got my ring.

Who has more siblings? Brandon

Who wears the pants? Me...unless it is something Brandon is passionate about....which is almost nothing except not using the credit card.

THE END! Aren't we romantic?

I tag no one....because none of my married friends read my blog.....and if you better start making comments!!