Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Diet Coke Feb. 12, 2008

We truely are Buttars.....check us out with our diet coke!!! Branson loves his fill of diet coke. I developed a craving for it when I was pregnant and the craving has kind-of stuck with me....good thing for Branson, I guess! I also developed a love of drinking out of straws when I was pregnant...just another testament that I am truely a Buttars!!!


laci said...

HECK YEAH! You know I love diet coke, but I don't know if I can be considered a "true Buttars" yet cause I still said "heck". Haha jk. There's only one problem with that diet coke though....it's not the strong stuff. No actually that is good, I know. And, if you want to know the truth, lately I have cut back my intake by QUITE A BIT. True story. However, as of right now I have the flu so I wondered if my lack of the good stuff lead to the oncoming of the sickness....someone should look into that. Anyways, long response, but all your pics are so cute! And don't worry I had some troubles trying to figure out the best way to put pics on. It takes some practice!

Ash said...

What's this about being a true Buttars. I'm not a Diet Coke fan. Dr.Pepper is the way to go, and no Diet! Hey maybe that's why I can't lose those extra baby pounds!

Peggy said...

Ashley....you are a Godfrey!!! Maybe, Dr. Pepper is their thing. But I'm pretty sure Diet Coke is a Buttars thing!!! Just ask your mom and dad and Laci!