Oct. 9th, Brandon and I found out we are PREGNANT! We had been trying for a few months so we were prepared and ready for a positive pregnancy test. I am due on June 22nd and we find out if it's a boy or a girl on Jan. 31st.
This pregnancy has been a bit different from my last two. I started having morning/all day sickness around week 5 and it tapered off around week 12. With Bran and Trey I was sick until about week 18. So my conclusion to this is that either a lot of prayers have been said in my behalf or this has to be a baby girl....guess I'll find out in January!
My little Pirate and Scooby Doo all ready for Trick or Treating
We went up to Logan for a Thanksgiving feast with the Funk family (that's Brandon's Mom's side of the family).
You are never too old or young to have fun.
My Grandma Ketterman
On Dec. 14th, my Grandma Ketterman passed away. I was fortunate enough to be able to fly home for her funeral and be with my family. I love my Grandma Ketterman. She was the most hardworking, giving, spiritual woman that I know. She is definitely the reason I have the gospel in my life today and what better gift could she have given me. I know my grandma is so happy now with a clear mind and being in heaven with all those who passed before her.
Here are her surviving grandchildren.
For those who are wondering, this is my bro. Danny.
The boys had tons of fun riding on Santa's train at the Provo Mall.
We are excited for the new year, so much will happen this coming year:
A new baby
Bran in Kindergarden
Trey in Preschool
and I'm sure much, much more.
Happy Holidays!