Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spring Break...and all that JAZZ

Watch out world, I'm going to be a Spring Breaker again!!! I mean, when I was in school, especially in college, spring break was a pretty big deal, but since I've entered the "real" world there's been no spring break. But now that Bran is a preschooler...I get to celebrate Spring Break again. YAY!
Truth be told, we didn't have any extravagant plans. But we did manage to do a few fun things.
1st-We went to a Jazz game. We had totally crappy seats, as you can probably tell from the pictures. And the only thing Bran and Trey cared about was the Jazz Bear and lucky for them the Salt Lake Bee was there too. But I must say we had a fun time and I am now officially a Jazz fan! They beat the Oklahoma City, Bobcats in overtime. It was a great game. I even found myself wanting a Jazz t-shirt to show my team spirit (sadly, I didn't get one)! But I did get a bag of Kettle Corn, which I didn't open at the game because I thought it would make for a great treat that night when we got home and were trying to unwind from the day. However, that bag of Kettle Corn never made it home. After the game, when we were walking to our car, Brandon made eye contact with a homeless guy and since he had no money to give him, he gave him MY bag of Kettle Corn. Did you hear that, MY bag of Kettle Corn. At first I was pretty devastated...I mean Kettle Corn from the Energy Solutions Arena isn't something you get everyday...I mean, that's a pretty special treat. But after I thought about it for a few minutes, I realized, I am grateful I have such a generous and caring husband.
2nd-We had the Godfrey family come stay with us for a night and join us for some fun. We went to Jumpin' Jacks and Pirate's Island. The kids had a lot of fun playing together. And Ashley and I had fun shopping with no kids...again, what a generous husband I have to watch the kids while I go shopping (you too, Cody)! If there is one thing my kids love most, it's being with their cousins. Thanks Godfreys' for making spring break fun for my boys.
Well, I guess that's all we did, but with a 2 & 4 year old, that's all you need to do. I need to really appreciate how simple life is with little kids, because I have a feeling it won't be as simple when they are older.

P.S. Thank goodness for spell check!!!


laci said...

This is Nate and Um Peggy, it's the Oklahoma City "Thunder" and the Charlotte "Bobcats", haha, but it still sounds and looks fun. ;)

The Buttars Family said...

Nate, your comment cracked me up. I will let BRANDON know, after all he is the one who told me it was the Oklahoma City, Bobcats! I had no idea who the Jazz were playing the whole time we were there. I'm a Jazz fan, I don't care about the other teams!!! Hahaha, I'm still laughing, I can't wait to tell Brandon!

Jen said...

Fun stuff! I am glad you got to go the Jazz game. You'll just have to go to another one, get a shirt, and another bag of kettle corn. What are friends for but to encourage other friends to spend money? :)