Sunday, April 05, 2009

Good News / Bad News

The Good News is...
The EKG Brandon had in the Emergency Room on Friday night suggests his heart is as healthy
as a horse.
ur health insurance kicked in just in time for Brandon to go to the ER (at least we are hopeful that it did, a lack of insurance cards makes us uneasy, however the lady at Brandon's work told him he was insured...but she also told him a few other things that weren't exactly true).
A missed episode of Friday Night Lights can be watched on
Also, we got a tax return this year, which is way better than owing taxes like we did last year.

The Bad News is...
Brandon probably has hiatal hernia and ulcers, he'll find out for sure when he sees the GI doctor he was referred to.
Brandon gets to experience a colonoscopy .... have fun with that Brandon!
Our tax return this year will probably all go to pay medical bills!!


Julie said...

bummer deal..but at least you have your tax return right!!?? I know not the ideal...but hopefully you will have a few dollars left over for some la fra :)
Have fun with your colonoscopy Brandon...Fun stuff!!

laci said...

You guys have been having a fun time of it lately! Glad to hear that for the MOST part Brandon is ok. Not that ulcers are ok, but compared to other stuff it could be I guess. But yes, yay for tax returns!

Splurp said...

I thought colonoscopies were popular. I always felt a bit left out when all of my roommates had one...

The Buttars Family said...

I came out of it with a minor bay area accent but my speech is back to normal now.